
Showing posts from May, 2022

Best Internet Speed Tests Of 2022: Test Your Connection ASAP

  Your home internet speeds depend on the specific internet plan you signed up for from your ISP, but there are lots of reasons why your actual Wi-Fi speeds might be lower than you'd expect. For starters, speeds will drop as you move further away from your router, especially if there are a lot of walls and obstructions in between. Speeds can also fluctuate during hours of peak usage, or if your internet provider enforces data caps or throttles connections to help maintain overall network performance. If you're curious to know your home's true internet speeds, there's an easy way to check. Running an internet speed test is quick and easy, and you've got lots of free options to choose from. You might even be able to run one from the same app that you used to set up your router. In most cases, running a test is as easy as pressing "Go," and won't take more than a minute or so. A good Ping Speed Test will make it easy to see your current download speeds, ...

What’s A Good Ping And How Do You Test Yours?

  What is a ping? It’s Mike Muuss’ invention. His way of measuring lag time in milliseconds (ms), inspired by submarines. Data packets, from your computer or console, are pinged to the gaming server and back to you. The quicker your ping, the smoother and more competitively you can play online games, and the bigger the advantage you’ll have – players with higher pings than you will struggle to keep tabs on you and you’ll seem to hop around their screen. Explore more about gaming What is lag? It’s the time delay measured by the ping. The longer it takes to send and receive messages, the less they make sense. Lag can cause your character to jerk about while moving (fighting, driving, jumping) and your gameplay could freeze or rollback, if you haven’t already been disconnected from your online game because of lag. Perhaps you’ve heard gamers complain about latency? Well, this is what most people mean. With practice and saint-like patience, you could get used to a lag. But it’s better ...