Where Can You Find Free JITTER SPEED TEST Resources
Where Can You Find Free JITTER SPEED TEST Resources The total integrated jitter of this PLL measured from 10kHz to 100MHz is 1.8ps. Integrating from 10kHz to 10MHz provides a result of 1.6ps, showing that little accuracy is lost by terminating the measurement at 10MHz. The deviation between the measurement and the simulation close to the loop bandwidth integrates to 0.2ps – a very small difference in the end result. Potential causes for the difference between the measurement and the simulation include power supply noise from the voltage regulator on our Jitter Speed Test PCB, a difference in measurement and simulation temperature. The accuracy of this correlation has been demonstrated multiple times and the results correlate well with the Periodic Noise results. This gives us great confidence in the results from AFS and provides our customers with assurance that the power, area and performance tradeoffs we have performed to optimize the PLLs we deliver to them will be seen in th...